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Associated Students Election (Campus Wide)

Below you will find candidate information as part of the 2025 student government elections. Students can vote starting April 7 - 11, 2025 via Triton Link. For more information about the election, please visit the elections page or contact the Associated Students Election Manager at

Candidates for Office

Candidates are listed by position and in alphabetical order by last name.

AS President

  • Dylan Archer

    Dylan Archer

    Slate Affiliation: Polaris

    Candidate Statement: My name is Dylan Archer, a third-year Political Science major specializing in Data Analytics and double majoring in History. I am born and raised in the San Diego area, and part of the Karuk Native American tribe. I’m running for AS President because UCSD students deserve real solutions to the problems actually faced by students. In my last three years on this campus, I have faced endless problems with what should have been basic things. With Polaris, I will push for meaningful changes to improve student life, expand resources, and create new opportunities for every Triton. Our platform includes: Keeping Geisel Library Open 24 Hours- Students need reliable study spaces at all hours. We will work to restore 24/7 access to Geisel. Fixing Parking Issues- We will establish a parking task force to advocate for long-term parking expansion and improve current parking management. For example, renegotiating our contract with the MTS parking structure on Nobel Drive to allow student parking on more floors later in the day. More Support for Student Organizations- We will increase club funding, host more club fairs, and organize mixers for first-years and transfers to help students find their community. Funding Student Innovation- We will create a Student Entrepreneurship Fund to provide microgrants for students developing businesses or projects. I’m committed to making AS work for students. Let’s build a better UCSD together. Vote Dylan Archer for AS President with Polaris!

  • Sarah Aranda

    Sarah Aranda

    Slate Affiliation: Independent

    Candidate Statement: My name is Sarah Aranda and I'm excited to announce my candidacy for AS President at UC San Diego, committed to fostering a more inclusive, student-centered campus. As a first-generation, Mexican-American student and daughter of immigrants, I understand the challenges many students face in higher education. My experiences in leadership and advocacy have reinforced my dedication to ensuring that every student feels heard, valued, and supported. If elected, I will: Strengthen Student Organizations by securing increased funding for conferences, professional development, and personal growth opportunities, Protect Undocumented & Mixed-Status Students by advocating for UCSD to be a sanctuary university, ensuring safety and resources for all, increase Administrative Accessibility by hosting office hours in resource centers to ensure diverse student voices are represented in decision-making, improve Campus Safety & Accessibility by pushing for more streetlights on and off campus, increasing parking availability, and advocating for fairer parking citation policies. This campaign is not just about a leadership position—it’s a movement for representation and action. I'm committed to uplifting underserved and marginalized communities, ensuring student organizations receive the resources they need. “Sarah's the choice, I'll raise your voice”, by supporting my candidacy, you're advocating for greater support, funding, and representation. Join me in creating a stronger inclusive space!

  • Ivan Ramirez

    Ivan Ramirez

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi! My name is Ivan Ramirez, I am a third-year International Economics and Public Law major and Business minor.

    When I first came to UCSD, I remember how challenging it was to navigate the campus bureaucracy, access resources, and advocate for student needs. I joined AS to address this issue, and was elected as Warren Senator. During my term, I worked to pass the most legislation in AS Senate history, passing over 20 reforms to make campus leadership more transparent and accountable and provide resources to strengthen student coalitions.

    It is essential that AS have effective, transparent, proactive leadership in a time when student rights and resources are under attack like never before. I am running for President so that students can thrive together by ensuring student voices are amplified and protected, by maintaining and expanding student resources serving underrepresented communities, and by increasing transparency and accountability in campus leadership. 

    If elected, I will advocate to:

    1. Protect student rights and resources
    2. Strengthen and unite student coalitions
    3. Restore 24-hour Geisel Library hours
    4. Lower dining hall prices to a market-rate price cap
    5. Extend trolley hours from Downtown SD to UTC to 2 am
    6. Provide parking ticket appeals support and lower parking prices
    7. Work with UC and local partners to address the housing crisis
    8. Ensure technology is used to make campus more accessible
    9. Reform and increase student organization funding
    10. Reduce financial burdens and barriers for students

    Ensure student voices are heard and campus leaders meet your needs!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Omar Salazar Fernandez

    Omar Salazar Fernandez

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi Tritons!

    My name is Omar Salazar Fernandez, and I’m excited to announce that I’m running to be your AS President!

    I’m running because I truly believe in the potential of our campus and the power of our community. Over the years, I've been fortunate to get involved in a variety of clubs and organizations at UCSD, including Circle K International, Kesem, MEChA, de UCSD and even balancing a part-time job alongside my coursework. These experiences have given me valuable insight into what UCSD students need, and I’m ready to fight for those changes.

    As your President, here’s what I plan to do to make UCSD a better place for all of us:


    I will advocate for more accessible scholarships that specifically support middle and low-income students. The financial challenges many students face can be overwhelming, and I’m committed to making sure that your academic success isn’t hindered by financial strain. My goal is to push for more resources to ensure that every Triton has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their financial background.


    UCSD’s diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and we need to ensure that all students feel valued and supported. I will work tirelessly to increase the availability of Halal food on campus. Access to Halal food isn’t just a preference, it's a basic need for many students, and I will make it a priority to ensure that our campus dining options reflect our community’s diversity. No student should have to compromise their values or beliefs because of limited food options.


    I believe in the power of student leadership and the initiatives driven by our senators. As EVP, I will collaborate closely with student senators to support and amplify their projects. This includes promoting initiatives that focus on improving mental health resources, enhancing academic support, and creating spaces for student engagement. Whether it’s increasing the availability of tutoring or ensuring more study spaces, I will make sure we work together to address what matters most to students.


    Textbooks are a huge financial burden on students, and I’m committed to finding solutions to reduce the cost. I will push for initiatives that create a more affordable textbook exchange program, expand access to open educational resources, and encourage faculty to use more cost-effective materials. In addition, I will advocate for better access to resources like school supplies, technology, and software—all essential tools that can help us succeed academically.


    I will create a more open line of communication between the AS office and the student body. Your voice matters, and I will ensure that you are heard. Whether through regular town halls, online forums, or social media outreach, I will make sure that I am always in tune with the concerns, ideas, and needs of the student body. You will always have a direct path to me, and I will make sure your issues are addressed and prioritized.


    UCSD is known for its beautiful campus, and I believe we can make it even better. I will work on initiatives that not only address environmental sustainability but also make our campus more inclusive. This includes promoting more sustainable transportation options, increasing recycling programs, and ensuring that every student has equal access to campus resources, no matter their background or identity.

    Together, we can create a supportive, enriching, and inclusive academic year for all Tritons. Let’s work towards making these changes and shaping the future of UCSD together!


  • William Simpson

    William Simpson

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS, 

    I am running for President because our incredible students deserve every tool to achieve greatness. I will listen to your concerns and use my power to make real, tangible change for you.

    Our financial investment in this school deserves to come back to us! I promise to reallocate our executive budget funding towards basic needs by slashing our travel, marketing, and merchandise expenses. I will work with student leaders on solutions until UCSD is a safe haven and the administration's power over student voices is revoked. I promise to FIGHT FOR YOU. 

    As President, I am determined to:

    * REALLOCATE funds to Basic Needs (free textbook program, gas gift cards, subsidized parking, undocumented students center funding, period project expansion and more)
    * IMPROVE the Office for Students with Disabilities (eliminate the quarterly reapplication process, push the administration to increase Disability Specialists)
    * PUSH to increase funding for Sun God and less restraints on the student org funding application
    * REMOVE recent campus policies hurting student expression

    During my time as Warren Senator here at UCSD, I have been a fierce advocate to ensure our funds were going towards the students and not for brands that support devastation against marginalized communities around the world. I also co-founded Laundry Loads of Love [], a clothing waste reduction program now on track to repurpose over 6,000 pounds of clothes per quarter. I formed a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Resolve LA [], to fight social injustice. I have shown, not told!

    Vote for me as your Student Body President!

    willliamsimpson []
    pillarsforucsd []

Executive Vice President

  • Zakaria Kortam

    Zakaria Kortam

    Slate Affiliation: Polaris

    Candidate Statement: I’m a third-year Electrical Engineering student specializing in Machine Learning Controls. Born to an Egyptian immigrant family in San Jose, I graduated high school at 16 and studied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics at community college before transferring to UCSD. My experience navigating higher education early on showed me the challenges students face, from academics to resources and campus life. That’s why I’m running for Executive Vice President: to ensure fiscal responsibility in A.S. and direct student fees toward real benefits. I will double club funding to support student organizations, push for 24/7 Geisel Library access, and improve campus safety with better lighting and increased security patrols. I’ll establish a Parking Task Force to tackle the parking shortage and launch a Student Investment Fund to support student-led startups and entrepreneurial initiatives. I will lead with transparency and accountability, ensuring A.S. delivers real results. I ask for your vote to empower every Triton. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Mina Nguyen

    Mina Nguyen

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS,

    I’m Mina!

    As the Associate Vice President for the Office of Local Affairs in A.S., I have been dedicated to ensuring that A.S. funds directly benefit students through initiatives such as the U-Pass Boba/Donut Giveaway, Sustainable Transportation + Safety Fair/E-Bike Giveaway, & Travel + Feminine Care Fair/Airline Gift Card Giveaway. 

    As Executive Vice President, I am determined to:

    * REALLOCATE A.S. FUNDS to Basic Needs (free textbook program, gas gift cards, subsidized parking, undocumented students support)
    * GUARANTEE a vote to increase student org and Sun God funding
    * TRANSPARENCY of A.S. meetings through weekly updates on Instagram & our website
    * IMPLEMENT a student-driven agenda to ensure undergrad voices are genuinely represented, heard, and reflected in decision-making

    Record of Success:

    * As Associate Vice President, Office of Local Affairs in AS I:
    * Lead a team of 12 advocating for student interests at the S.D. City Council
    * Manage ~$50,000 budget to fund programs & advocacy efforts
    * Serve as the official liaison between UCSD students & elected officials
    * As the Student Fee Advisory Committee Rep for Student Council of ERC I:
    * Manage the allocation of $250k in student fees
    * Ensure fees are spent equitably to promote student interests
    * As founder of Essential.C.A.R.E. 501(c)(3) nonprofit:
    * Supported mental wellness for the unhoused
    * Raised $10k for care packages 

    As a Vietnamese American female student, with a deep commitment to service & empathy, I strive to make positive, lasting changes where your Return on Investment in A.S. translates into real impact—better resources, stronger advocacy, and meaningful results. Now more than ever, UCSD needs bold action—it's time to make it happen.

Vice President of External Affairs

  • Aryan Dixit

    Aryan Dixit

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement: I’m Aryan Dixit–a STEM-Arts double major, grassroots organizer, and advocate who believes student power is the key to a fair, accountable UCSD. You may see me securing funding for student orgs as the EDI Director of External Affairs, mobilizing for student expression as President of the Students’ Civil Liberties Union, or representing Seventh College in Senate. Or perhaps telling fortunes at this year’s Haunted House. AS speaks for 33,000 students but lacks any substantial framework to cultivate student power. I’m running for VP External Affairs to change that with my 3-part vision:

    AS as a powerhouse of student/worker power

    With my experience as a grassroots organizer, I will work with labor unions and advocate for unrepresented student workers performing exhausting work for low pay. Our (expensive) student experience should not come at the cost of our peers.

    Extending your voice to the decision-making table

    UCSD consistently sacrifices students for endowments. If we’re not at the table, we’re on the menu. I will continuously leverage our legislators, relentlessly pressure university admin and mobilize our student community so they can’t ignore our issues–student tuitions, housing costs, retention, etc. 

    Protections for student communities

    This office will be a megaphone for action, not performative activism. I will push for stronger sanctuary campus protocols, creating the disabled students resource center, and student-friendly, affordable housing/transit options. 

    Coming from an immigrant family with close friends endangered by a vindictive administration, this fight is personal. I know how to stand when institutions fail us. I will never quit my efforts organizing, confronting and pushing back. Vote CORGI: Vote for student power.

  • Sofia Earley

    Sofia Earley

    Slate Affiliation: Independent

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi! My name is Sofia (she/her), I am currently a third year studying political science and communications. I am an active member of our campus community working diligently as a student leader in Associated Students, College Council, Marshall College,  and as a member of the Panhellenic and the LGBTQIA+ community. I am running to be VP External Affairs to fight for students, especially due to the uncertainty of today’s political climate. 

    A little about me, I have been in AS, specifically in the Office of External Affairs for the past 3 years as a First-Year Fellow to being Director of Staff. I am now running to be the VP External Affairs to continue advocating for students to ensure our ability to prosper and grow during our time at UCSD and beyond. 

    My GOALS as VP: 


    -Ensure ALL students have access to what they need (Affordable Housing, Hygiene Products, Food, etc.) 

    -Advocate to the UC for institutional funding and access for Basic Needs and Recovery efforts on campus.


    - Advocate for the reduction of our tuition and to stop the increase of student fees. 

    - Advocate to protect federal and state education funding for both tuition and research.


    -Improve diversity of the student delegation of UCSA events by trying to empower students who might not otherwise attend.


    -Work hard to increase campus partnerships with the Office of External Affairs through joint events and mutual aid.

    -Work with student organizations to evaluate the direction External must take to better work with student groups.

    -Create more opportunities for students to get involved with the Office of External Affairs through an increase in lobby days and volunteer opportunities.

    For more information check out @sofia4external!

  • Ricardo Miranda

    Ricardo Miranda

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS,

    Hello I’m Ricardo Miranda

    As Vice President of External Affairs, I am determined to:
    • REALLOCATE AS FUNDS to Basic Needs especially to ensuring that more students have access to health care on campus
    • INCREASE campus connectivity to ensure that every voice is heard and every organization is supported
    • FUND our cultural and religious organizations to keep communities together and help them thrive 
    • CLEAN OUR CAMPUS and ensure that the UC is held accountable for the emissions it is putting into the atmosphere
    • SAFEGUARD OUR RIGHTS to protest, to speak out, to represent our independent identities, and stand up for what is morally correct

    Record of Success:
    • As Chief of Staff in the Office of the President I manage:
    ◦ A staff of 7 people
    ◦ A budget of $649,000
    ◦ Events with up to 500 guests 
    ◦ Communications with over 40 different campus organizations

    • As an External Affairs Fellow at UCR I:
    ◦ Plan, organize, and walk the picket line at protests alongside our unions
    ◦ Fight for divestment and solidarity with the Palestinian community
    ◦ Start conversations for an increase on the campus minimum wage

    • As an Intern for the City of LA I:
    ◦ Helped with the initial stages of creating a new Public Health Department
    ◦ Plan for the Olympic events of 2028
    ◦ Lobbied our Federal Officials to help the city

    As a First Gen Latino Student here at UCSD I have seen what it takes to advocate and fight for student rights, for undocumented rights, for human rights. I envision a stronger, more connected UCSD—one that lives up to its full potential. Now more than ever, our campus needs bold action. It’s time to deliver. As Vice President of External Affairs I will ensure that every student feels safe and that every voice is heard.

  • Alex Sun

    Alex Sun

    Slate Affiliation: Polaris

    Candidate Statement:
    Are you ready for real change at UC San Diego? My name is Alex Sun, and I am a Data Science major with junior standing. I was born in Ventura County to Chinese immigrant parents and later moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where I attended middle and high school. I am running for student government because I believe our campus deserves more than the status quo—we need bold, tangible improvements to student life. For too long, UCSD has been labeled as “socially dead,” and while many candidates promise change, my slate, Polaris, has the vision, competence, and dedication to make meaningful progress. We are committed to implementing practical solutions that enhance the student experience, with our priorities being: Restoring 24-hour access to Geisel Library. Increasing the funding for student organizations. Creating a parking task force to look into increasing parking on campus. Forming a startup investment fund to invest in student startups.. If you believe in intelligent, results-driven leadership, I ask for your support. Together, we can transform UC San Diego into a more vibrant, engaging, and student-centered community. Vote for Polaris—because real change starts now. Thank you.

Vice President of Academic Affairs

  • Guadalupe Barrera

    Guadalupe Barrera

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi Tritons!

    My name is Guadalupe, and I’m running to be your next AS VICE PRESIDENT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS. 

    As a first-gen, third-year Urban Studies & Planning major at Seventh, I know the challenges that come with navigating academic life. I’m running because I want to help every Triton thrive academically by making sure we have the support and resources needed to succeed.

    Throughout my time here, I’ve worked on the U-Pass Referendum, organized cultural events, and advocated for Safe Parking on campus. I've worked to uplift student voices and create spaces where we can celebrate our identities and build community. My experiences have taught me the power of connections, and I want to bring that same energy to supporting students academically.

    I’ve also been part of programs like Summer Bridge, 2ND Year Experience, and Study Abroad. I know how overwhelming it can feel to apply for programs, seek academic support, or figure things out alone. But you don’t have to do it alone. I want to make it easier for students to ask for help, connect with resources, and build a strong academic community where we THRIVE with each other.

    If elected, I’ll prioritize academic accommodations, improve academic student organizations support, expand scholarships for low- and middle-income students, and push for more internship opportunities. I’ll also build relationships with college councils to ensure your voice is heard and advocate for student-centered decision-making.

    I’d love to hear from you—let’s connect and build a better academic experience together! 


  • Nico Cruz

    Nico Cruz

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m Nico!

    As Vice President of Academic Affairs, I am determined to:

    * INCREASE transparency in the management of funds between AS and student body
    * COVER co-pays for medical bills (via prospective student Co-Pay Fund)
    * ENSURE students' right to political dissent and freedom to protest
    * PROTECT undocumented and persecuted students with Academic Senate/professors
    * EXPAND funding for research & academic scholarships 
    * PROMOTE cultural diversity on campus by funding corresponding organizations/programs 

    Record of Success:

    * President of Surf Club ( largest registered club @ UCSD)
    * Organize events for ~1000 registered members 
    * Manage +$35,000 in member dues
    * Overseeing production of Surf Club Magazine/organizations/events 
    * Managing team of over 30 members to meet production goals.
    * Research Intern at UCSD-funded neurobiology lab 
    * Research focused on understanding the neuronal mechanisms underlying long-term and working memory storage and organization. 
    * In charge of performing behavioral assessments in rodent models, cerebral extraction, histology, and neural shank data collection.
    * Personal dedication to research ensures my allegiance towards funding and furthering student educational opportunities.

    As a first-gen Latino and SoCal local, I understand the unspoken struggles many UCSD students face. Balancing academic success, financial stress, and personal identity in an academically rigorous environment. 

    I am committed to making UCSD a space where students are heard, supported, and empowered—whether that means fighting for financial transparency, expanding access to academic resources, or protecting students’ right to political and cultural expression. Your voice matters. Your future matters. Let’s build the UCSD we deserve.

  • Aryen Singhal

    Aryen Singhal

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement:
    International Student | STEM Major | Student Worker

    UC San Diego’s academic landscape is at a crossroads — and we cannot afford to let students fall through the cracks. As Vice President for Academic Affairs, I am committed to building an accessible and connected academic environment where every student has the tools they need to thrive.

    The university’s funding cut to vital academic resources like the Writing Hub and SPACES is nothing short of devastating, disproportionately harming marginalized students. But we don't have to accept these cuts as final. Student-run clubs like BioConnect have shown that peer-led academic support is powerful. I will collaborate with other such student orgs to create AS-backed assistance programs that fill the gaps left by the administration.

    UCSD boasts a massive alumni network — but its fractured systems have left students disconnected from one of our greatest resources. I will push for a unified alumni platform that empowers students to tap into the full strength of our Triton network, while launching a yearly mentorship program to match students with alumni mentors who can open doors to careers in their fields.

    The underrepresentation of STEM students in AS has weakened its ability to serve as a campus-wide advocacy platform. I will actively recruit STEM students through targeted initiatives that utilize their skills — from software development to research into campus issues — transforming AS into a hub of innovation, data-backed solutions, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

    The strongest solutions are built when diverse minds come together. Let's break down the barriers that hold students back and build an academic community where every Triton has the support they need to turn their potential into power. Vote CORGI, Vote for the Future!

Campus-Wide Senator

  • Elijah Dukhovny

    Elijah Dukhovny

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi, I’m Elijah, I’m a first-year philosophy major. Being a student is challenging, but it is made more challenging by the lack of transparency or accountability in campus leadership, making it impossible for students to voice their needs. I am running for Campus-Wide Senator to hold administration accountable so students can thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Reinstate 24 hour Geisel Library
    2. Lower dining hall prices
    3. Increase fee transparency

    Ensure our voices are heard!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Alicia Fehlman

    Alicia Fehlman

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    I am Alicia Fehlman running for your Campus Wide Senator! I’m a 2nd year PoliSci major with a minor in Chicanx & Latinx Studies. As a first-gen, multicultural, low income student I know the struggles of financial aid, finding community, or accessing resources. I want UCSD to be a place where students are supported and empowered to succeed. I’ll advocate for a stronger student support system, equity, and connected community! We can make UCSD pride itself on equity and student well being. Let’s make meaningful change- when we uplift each other, we all THRIVE. Vote THRIVE @THRIVEwithUCSD.

  • Kera Finnigan

    Kera Finnigan

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:

    I’m Kera!
    As Campus Wide Senator, I aim to:

    ENSURE Student Organizations have adequate Funding and Resources
    PROMOTE healthy behaviors on campus through increasing mental health resources and improving CAPS
    CONNECT AS and the student body to create a more cohesive and high-spirited campus

    I am committed to representing the diverse voices of our student body and advocating for meaningful change at UCSD! My goal is to ensure students feel valued, heard, and supported, to help create an inclusive campus where feedback leads to impact.

  • Jasmine Lee

    Jasmine Lee

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m a Chinese-Filipino STEM-arts double major running for Campus-Wide Senator. As a first-gen, low income student, I understand the systemic barriers our community faces. Nearly half of students are first-gen, yet there’s a noticeable lack of initiatives to create accessible programs and resources. I intend to create active academic retention programs, promoting community resources, and outreach efforts. I also want to increase funding for Tritonfresh, the Hub, etc. without increasing student fees as one in every three students is food insecure.  

    Vote CORGI: Short Legs, Big Vision

  • Gavin Martinez

    Gavin Martinez

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement:
    I'm a first-year political science student at Marshall and am running to be your representative to embolden student groups, help create the Disabled Student Resource Center, and protect undocumented students. I’ll increase AS’s accessibility by making it an independent organization, allow students to propose agenda items, and include STEM students in research-driven solutions. I’ll be an advocate for the arts, free speech, and basic needs resources. I'm eager to ensure AS works efficiently to tangibly improve student welfare by hearing and addressing their needs. Vote CORGI!

  • Fnu Moazzma

    Fnu Moazzma

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS,

    I’m Moazzma! 

    As Campus Wide Senator, I am determined to work to: 

    * ADVOCATE to allocate AS funds to rolling scholarships so more students can receive financial aid
    * INCREASE FUNDS for cultural and religious orgs, because I believe they amplify diversity and inclusivity on campus
    * SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES to make our campus more sustainable

    As a first generation immigrant, I am passionate about representing students' voices and will foster an environment that ensures every student has an enjoyable and impactful time at UC San Diego!

  • Emily Nguyen

    Emily Nguyen

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi everyone! I'm Emily Nguyen (she/her), and I am thrilled to be running for Campus Wide Senator! I am a 2nd-year Public Health major with a minor in Entrepreneurship at Seventh College. I am committed to promoting community for our diverse student body across campus and I strive to further this if elected. Serving as the VP of Marketing for Delta Gamma, I aim to promote transparency and bridge the gap to extend our campus basic needs and financial resources to meet the needs of our students. Let's build a campus where all students can THRIVE! Vote THRIVE! @THRIVEwithUCSD

  • Elena Padilla Macias

    Elena Padilla Macias

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    As I seek re-election as your campus-wide senator, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and impact of this role. However, there is always more to learn, and I am committed to continuing this growth to better serve you. I want to be focus on becoming more accessible to students and ensure that every voice is heard. With your support, I will keep learning, listening, and working to make our campus more inclusive and representative for all.

  • Kiana Pereira

    Kiana Pereira

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi everyone, my name is Kiana, I am a first-year Public Law major and Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. I believe everyone should have a chance to get involved and explore new opportunities. I am running for Campus-Wide Senator to create meaningful change for students, promoting student well-being so we can all thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:

    1. Support student well-being
    2. Improve concerts and events
    3. Promote student engagement

    Ensure our success and happiness on campus!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Tanya Pulla

    Tanya Pulla

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m Tanya!
    As a Campus-Wide senator, I am determined to:
    UPHOLD students’ First Amendment Rights against policies restricting freedom of speech and protest
    EXPAND funding and resources to marginalized communities on campus (e.g undocumented students, queer and trans students)
    ADVOCATE for the Adoption of Sustainable Initiatives and the decrease of UCSD’s carbon footprint

    As a queer, South Asian student, I am committed to cultivating a supportive environment that is reflective of the diverse perspectives and passions of UCSD’s student body.

  • Erin Ramos

    Erin Ramos

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:

    I’m Erin!
    As Campus Wide Senator, I am dedicated to:
    UPLIFTING access to essential healthcare resources
    INCREASING scholarship opportunities for merit based students
    EMPOWERING students by ensuring their funds directly benefit their health and education
    My passion for making a difference on campus is rooted in my experiences as a Filipino student brought up in a diverse area of LA. I am committed to removing financial barriers that hinder academic success, while also fostering a campus culture that uplifts overlooked student voices.

  • Noa Reyzblat

    Noa Reyzblat

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi, I’m Noa, a first-year Business Economics major and Finance minor, and a proud member of Alpha Phi. I’m running for Campus-Wide Senator to ensure every student has access to the resources, opportunities, and support they need to thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Expand mental health support
    2. Improve academic resources
    3. Provide better dining hall options

    With my leadership experience, I will make real change happen. Vote for me to make your college experience the best it can be!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Gilad Segal

    Gilad Segal

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi, I’m Gilad, a transfer student and Business Econ major and Data Science minor. I graduated high school early and attended community college, giving me a unique perspective on student challenges. I am running for Campus-Wide Senator to improve student resources so we can all thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Expand transportation services
    2. Improve fee opt-out systems
    3. Update laundry and dining facilities

    With my unique experience, I am prepared to deliver real results!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Ethan Shih

    Ethan Shih

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hello, I’m Ethan Shih, a third-year Computing in the Arts - Music major and Comp Sci minor. I’m running for Campus-Wide Senator to enhance career support and create more career-building opportunities so students can thrive together. 

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Enhance campus tech and innovation
    2. Improve student organization funding
    3. Use tech to make UCSD more accessible

    As a current AS Auditor, I am prepared to advocate for innovation and meaningful change to support student success!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold the administration accountable.

  • Justin Topete

    Justin Topete

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m a Junior from Muir College and I’m running for Campus-Wide senator to advance three goals; campus accountability, student empowerment and equity. I will improve accessibility to basic needs resources, including food, housing and transportation. I will further support this with a push for student union initiatives that empower advocacy efforts. Propelling student voices will ensure a more equitable campus that supports all. It's time that we bring transparency to the AS Senate to ensure that it advocates for all students.

    Vote CORGI: Short legs, Big Vision.

  • Mohammed Zaid

    Mohammed Zaid

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS,

    I am Mohammed! As Campus-Wide Senator, I Pledge to:

    INCREASE funding for cultural and religious organizations to support better events.
    PROTECT student rights, including protest and free speech, protecting the rights of International students, and working against revocation of student visas
    EXPAND access to Halal/Kosher food and other religious needs.

    As a third-year Bangladeshi Muslim student, I am passionate about promoting diversity, fostering inclusion, and strengthening our student community.

Off-Campus Senator

  • Francisco Becerra

    Francisco Becerra

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS, 

    I'm Francisco! 

    As an Off-Campus Senator, I pledge to work towards:

    * OUTREACH Ensure students can access financial assistance, food security, and academic resources.
    * ADVOCATE for subsidized parking and gasoline initiatives 
    * SUSTAINABILITY: Promote environmentally friendly choices.

    As a first-generation student, I've learned to navigate adversity. I will give the support students need to strive for their academic goals. Throughout our experience, we can create healthy support systems that push the best of us to greatness as a community.

  • Mayani Bowens

    Mayani Bowens

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    As an off-campus student, I understand the unique challenges that UCSD students face—housing, transportation, and staying connected to campus life. I’m committed to advocating for better resources, ensuring off-campus students are heard and supported and amplify their voices! I want to work to make a positive change and strengthen ties within the Triton community.

  • Lizbeth Diaz

    Lizbeth Diaz

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m Lizbeth! As an Off-Campus Senator, I pledge to work towards: REALLOCATE funds towards more basic needs initiatives. ADVOCATE for commuter students and support them ENSURE undocumented and immigrant communities feel safe and supported As a first-gen, off-campus student, I’ve learned the value of resilience and community. I’m committed to advocating for commuter students, turning challenges into opportunities. With your support, we can drive meaningful change.

  • Tanishq Jain

    Tanishq Jain

    Slate Affiliation: Independent

    Candidate Statement:
    Many commuter students face off-campus housing costs, parking shortages, and limited study spaces on campus. Problems with campus parking makes commuting harder, with students relying on overcrowded public transport or spending extra time and money. These challenges cause many to miss opportunities. Better planning, advocacy, and accessible resources are essential for an equitable campus. Having faced these issues myself, I am committed to driving change.

  • Cooper Levinson

    Cooper Levinson

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi, I’m Cooper, a first-year from Connecticut and International Studies major. I remember feeling a lack of community or support when I first arrived on campus and struggling to find resources or opportunities. I am running for Out-of-State Senator to create unity and support so students thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Make org funding more accessible
    2. Create collaborative recruitment programs
    3. Improve access to resources

    Together, we can end the US Socially Dead narrative!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Amanda Obedian

    Amanda Obedian

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi! I’m Amanda, a fourth year psychology major. Currently, where you live affects what resources you have access to. I'm running for Off-Campus Senator because off-campus students deserve a stronger voice in our community and resources that allow us to thrive together. 

    If elected, I will advocate to:
    1. Lower parking fees and ticket costs
    2. Increase remote/hybrid learning options
    3. Expand commuter support services

    Just because we live off-campus doesn't mean our voices don’t belong on-campus.

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

Transfer Senator

  • Bruno Eliseo

    Bruno Eliseo

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement: I'm a third-year transfer student studying Engineering Physics. I'm running for senator because, as a STEM student from a small rural town, I know what it's like to be in need of improved services and facilities, and to want your demands heard. By making AS independent from UC admin, we're going to break through administrative inaction and protect student-run spaces. Please, let us help those who require the most assistance by funding basic needs programs. Let us give you the power to hold AS accountable by creating a financial oversight task force. Vote for CORGI, let us work for you.

  • Kyle Gilbert

    Kyle Gilbert

    Slate Affiliation: Tritons Together

    Candidate Statement:
    Hi, I’m Kyle, I’m a transfer student and a Political Science major. University is challenging and exciting, and I believe students and student orgs deserve resources and opportunities to enjoy it. I am running for Transfer Senator to improve the transfer experience and resources so students can thrive together.

    If elected, I will advocate to:

        1.    Protect DEI programs and services

        2.    Expand student mental health support

        3.    Increase student job opportunities

    Create a united campus community!

    Vote Tritons Together to unite campus, protect students, and hold administration accountable.

  • Christopher Rodriguez

    Christopher Rodriguez

    Slate Affiliation: Independent

    Candidate Statement:
    As a transfer student, I know how it feels to come into a university and feel completely disconnected without a proper support system. Many of our transfer orgs have been inactive since 2021, and have left our transfer students feeling stuck. If elected to be the voice of Transfer students in AS I plan to bring the changes desperately needed to make transfer students feel more at home and support their academic and social journeys while at UCSD. Imposter syndrome should not be the normal. Transfer students only have 2 years to make the most of their time here and I plan to support our students.

  • Tianna Ortiz

    Tianna Ortiz

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m Tianna! As Transfer Senator, EXPAND parking capacity or subsidized parking ADVOCATE for transfer students & support their needs INCREASE scholarship opportunities for students As a half Black half Puerto Rican transfer student, I am committed to amplifying student voices and fostering unity across campus. I will advocate for underrepresented communities, championing cultural diversity and inclusivity to ensure every student feels seen and supported. Together we can work to build a student body that is strong, connected, and represented.

International Senator

  • Divenaa Madan

    Divenaa Madan

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement: I'm a first-year nanoengineering student at Revelle and am running for International Senator. As an international student serving as the International Chair in the AS Office of EDI, I understand our issues and am prepared to work on them. I aim to advocate for undocumented students by protecting identity-related information, ensuring AS accountability, and promoting community resources for international students. I also want to increase STEM participation in AS by creating opportunities that support their interests. Vote for your welfare, vote for CORGI!

  • Arif Ruslan

    Arif Ruslan

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS,

    I’m Arif!

    As International Senator, I pledge to PROTECT students against policies hindering freedom of speech EXPAND emergency funds resources for international students’ financial hardships SUPPORT cultural and religious organizations funding and resources ADDRESS & COUNTER Islamophobia and discrimination on campus

    As a third year Malaysian international student, I want to empower international students to contribute to the community through their experiences without being hindered by financial obstacles or discrimination.

Out-of-State Senator

  • Wuyi Heryadi

    Wuyi Heryadi

    Slate Affiliation: PILLARS

    Candidate Statement:
    Choose your PILLARS, 

    I’m Wuyi!  

    As Out-Of-State Senator, I pledge to:

    • ADVOCATE for underrepresented groups with basic needs

    • EXPAND on basic needs initiatives to help improve campus life  • ENSURE equal access/opportunities for students with scholarship opportunities

    As an out-of-state student and child of Asian immigrants from a small, non-diverse Southern town, I understand the cultural and financial barriers we face. If re-elected, I will continue advocating for underrepresented groups and expanding scholarship initiatives to ease.

  • Alicia Schmerold

    Alicia Schmerold

    Slate Affiliation: Thrive

    Candidate Statement:
    At UC San Diego, I meet very few fellow out-of-state students. When I encounter them, we both begin talking about the same thing: how UC San Diego has so clearly been designed for Californian students to thrive, and with out of state students as an afterthought. I want UC San Diego to feel like it is an out-of-state student's college too, and not just a Californian school that we are just visiting as strangers. Furthermore, I want to get involved in AS in general to do what I can to ensure the sanctity of the democratic process at UC San Diego. With more and more discontent rippling across campus in regards to divestment, budget cuts to the library, lack of housing availability, and new issues arising each day, I am realizing now more than ever we need student senators who will get the students' voices heard.

  • Arya Verma

    Arya Verma

    Slate Affiliation: CORGI

    Candidate Statement:
    I’m running for Out of State Senator to ensure that our student body gets the voice, influence, and power it deserves. Speech and peaceful assembly are fundamental American rights, a student government that serves you is your right. Our plan to make AS independent of the UC administration enables stronger advocacy on your behalf. Student government will be liable for its actions through the creation of accountability, research, and analytics task forces to factually assess policies. Put your mouth where your money already is, vote for CORGI.