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Thurgood Marshall College Council Election

Below you will find candidate information as part of the 2025 student government elections. Students can vote starting April 7 - 11, 2025 via Triton Link. For more information about the election, please visit the elections page or contact the Marshall Elections Manager and Representative at

Candidates for Office

Candidates are listed by position and in alphabetical order by last name.


  • Danitza Arzate Rodriguez

    Danitza Arzate Rodriguez

    Slate Affiliation: Thurgood Reflexions

    Candidate Statement:

    Hi I am a third year Poli Sci major from Long Beach, California. As Chair, I commit to serve as a bridge between Marshall College and UCSD. Prioritizing the voices of students and ensuring inclusive representation, I plan on fostering an equitable campus climate in student government. Upholding Marshall’s values of justice and "The Scholar and Citizen" will be my driving force through my term.

  • Jessica Pascual

    Jessica Pascual

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hi! I’m Jessica (she/her), a Public Health major w/ a HDS minor from San Marcos, CA. I’m honored to run as your Chair!

    My Goals:
    * Advocate for students with transparency and action.
    * Strengthen connections among all to build an inclusive Marshall.
    * Provide resources to empower scholars, leaders, and changemakers!

    My Experience:
    * TMCSC (3 yrs.: Overflow Rep., Director of Orgs & Programming)
    * TMC Welcome Week CCRF (1 yr.)
    * Justice & Equity Fellow 2024-25 (1 yr.)

Vice Chair Internal

  • Kayla Hyun

    Kayla Hyun

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: My name is Kayla Hyun and I am eager to be running as your Vice Chair Internal. 

    * Emphasize transparency between our council and constituents
    * Empower students by providing them with a platform to drive meaningful change 
    * Create a welcoming environment throughout our college

    * Apart of TMCSC for 2 years as SAGE rep. (1yr) and AS Senator (1yr)
    * Interning for the City of San Diego for 2 yrs

Vice Chair Finance

  • Stephen Ulla

    Stephen Ulla

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Salutations! I’m Stephen (he/him), a Mathematics - Computer Science major from Sacramento, CA. I’m excited to run for Vice Chair Finance.

    My Goals:
    * Ensure transparent, ethical, and student-focused spending.
    * Strengthen discussions around budget priorities and decision-making processes.
    * Create a system to manage the TMCSC budget effectively.

    My Experience:
    * TMCSC Member (2 yrs. - SFAC Shadow, Rep.)
    * Orientation Leader (1 yr.)
    * Marshall Seasonal Committees (2 yrs.)

Director of Public Relations

  • Rogelio Hidalgo

    Rogelio Hidalgo

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hey! I'm Rogelio Hidalgo (He/Him), a Cognitive Science (Design & Interaction) major & Marketing minor. 

    * Establish collaborative partnerships with student orgs & TMCSC
    * Enhance communication & engagement with the student body through social media

    * TMCSC Civic Engagement Officer (1 yr), Master of Media (1 yr), Director of Public Relations (1 yr)
    * TMC Orientation Leader (2 yrs)

  • Mary-Jane McAlpin

    Mary-Jane McAlpin

    Slate Affiliation: Thurgood Reflexions

    Candidate Statement: Hello! I am a third year SC Anthropology major from South Central Los Angeles

    As Director of Public Relations, it is important to me that essential information about Marshall College is made accessible to everyone, for everyone. It is crucial that the voices of students are not only heard but amplified! I aim to be a reflection of the structural change that I and many other students want to see within student government.

Director of Administration

  • Isabella Bayudan

    Isabella Bayudan

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hi, my name is Bella(she/her) and I’m a General Biology Major from San Diego! As Director of Administration, I want to promote transparency and engagement with the Marshall student body by accurately recording the events of our weekly GBMs, as well as maintaining attendance and voting records.

  • Okalani Dawkins

    Okalani Dawkins

    Slate Affiliation: Thurgood Reflexions

    Candidate Statement: Hi! I’m Okalani, a 3rd-year Political Science/Public Policy major. Striving to uphold TMC principles of mutuality and coalition-building, I’m committed to maintaining detailed, accessible records of our initiatives and creating more opportunities for student input. A community-oriented student government is a successful one, and this will be embodied in my role as Director of Administration.

Director of Programming

  • Joanne Cacho

    Joanne Cacho

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hello! My name is Joanne (she/her) and I’m a first year Communication major excited to run for Director of Programming!

    My Goals:
    * Cultivate a tighter sense of community within the Marshall student body
    * Promote representation and sustainability through programming
    * Uphold Marshall values through diverse events and activities for all

    My Experience:
    * TMCSC Master of Media
    * Marshallpalooza Entertainment Committee Member
    * Incoming TMC Orientation Leader

Director of Marshall Organizations

  • Tianlai Huang

    Tianlai Huang

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hi! I’m Tianlai (she/her), a Molecular & Cellular Biology major from New Jersey, and I am so excited to run for Director of Marshall Organizations! 

    My Goals: 
    * Connect with orgs to provide support & entertainment, especially during times of stress 
    * Ensure student voice through feedback surveys & active conversations 
    * Devote myself to fulfill the aspirations of our student body 

    My Experience: 
    * TMCSC Active Community at Marshall Rep (1 yr) 
    * Cultural Celebration Co-Chair (1 yr)

Student-at-Large: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

  • Sarine Krikorian

    Sarine Krikorian

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hi, my name is Sarine Krikorian (she/her/hers) and I’m an Ethnic Studies and NanoEngineering major, with a minor in Mathematics from Apple Valley, CA (The High Desert)!

    * Bring awareness to EDI conversations both within and outside TMC.
    * Serve as the voice for Marshall students/underrepresented groups
    * Support students through EDI oriented efforts

    * TMCSC Commuter Representative (1 yr)
    * HRI Operations Manager (1 yr)
    * NETS VPI, VPF, Project Lead (3 yrs)

Associated Students Senator (2)

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    Juan Delgado

    Slate Affiliation: Independent

    Candidate Statement: My name is Juan Delgado and I am running on a platform of inclusion and expression.

  • Sadeen Elfaqir

    Sadeen Elfaqir

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hello, I'm Sadeen Elfaqir (She/Her) and I'm a first gen Jordanian American Political Science major!

    My Goals:
    * Bring representation and advocacy for all underrepresented communities on campus
    * Flow through entity for students opinions and legislation making 
    * Make student policy reading more digestible and accessible 

    My Experience: 
    * Active member in Muslim community/Arab Organizations on and off campus

  • Christian Salas

    Christian Salas

    Slate Affiliation: Students' United Voices

    Candidate Statement: Hey! I’m Christian Salas (He/Him/El) and I’m a third-year Political Science-Public Policy major with a minor in Public Service from LA! 

    My Goals: 
    * Develop connections with students in TMC and engage with our community
    * Advocate for students in spaces they cannot, ensuring that they feel seen and informed

    My Experience:
    * STUD: Scholar & Citizen (1 yr)
    * Civic Engagement Officer (1yr)

  • Nelly Zapata-Castillo

    Nelly Zapata-Castillo

    Slate Affiliation: Thurgood Reflexions

    Candidate Statement: Hi all! My name is Nelly and I am a third-year Poli Sci major from South Central, Los Angeles.

    As AS Senator, I am committed to bridging the gap between Marshall College and Associated Students. As a previous Campus-Wide Senator who has served two terms I have no doubt in implementing Marshall’s representation within Associated Students. In my term, I plan on fostering Marshall’s values of justice and being a “Scholar and Citizen” while also creating impactful projects to help the student body as a whole. If elected, I plan on advocating for increased resources for student orgs, mental health resources, and overall ensuring student voices are met.